Clinical Posters
Clinical poster presentation is a member benefit for advanced practitioner professional members of the Advanced Practitioner Society for Hematology and Oncology (APSHO), providing an opportunity to present posters from accepted abstracts, describing innovative, original work that is significant to the role of the advanced practitioner in oncology and hematology. Clinical posters are presented by APSHO members.
Industry Encore Posters
Industry encore posters are posters that have been previously submitted as abstracts, peer-reviewed, accepted, and presented at a national or international educational oncology/hematology conference within 18 months of the JADPRO Live submission deadline. Encore posters are submitted by and may be presented by an author or by an industry representative.
APSHO Patient Advocacy Posters
Patient advocacy groups, in partnership with patients, may submit abstracts describing projects, outcomes, and data highlighting the unique patient perspective on topics such as communication, education, symptom management and caregiver support in oncology. Patient advocacy posters may be presented by patient advocacy group members.